BoilerMag Creates Custom Solutions
A USPS facility in Minnesota is our latest client to install the ChillerMag full flow filter. Fourmation Sales, the BoilerMag Rep in Minnesota, recommended the ChillerMag for the project as the ideal safeguard against sludge build up and system inefficiencies.
The Project
The client required the ChillerMag to be placed on a 12” line. An order of this magnitude required a custom solution to facilitate servicing. The ChillerMag filter was split into two halves, allowing the magnet assembly to be pulled one half at a time for ease of cleaning. This greatly reduced the total weight of the filter and contaminants when being serviced by a single person. This unique solution can be seen below, with one half of the filter placed on the ground.
How ChillerMag Works
ChillerMag is recommended by Fourmation Sales for all new applications. It reduces the working pressure of the system by removing sludge buildup in chillers, boilers, pipes, and fittings. Adding a ChillerMag increases the useful lifespan of existing chillers and increases overall efficiency. The no-block design ensures zero blockages no matter the level of filtered contamination.