Owner of Apartment Building Sees Benefit in Protecting his Equipment with BoilerMag
An apartment building owner based in Wheat Ridge, Colorado is the latest installer to recommend the BoilerMag full flow filter. Alongside Shamrock Sales, who are the BoilerMag Reps in Colorado and Wyoming, the install of multiple BoilerMagXT’s will ensure the owner prevents further damage to his newly installed hydronic heating systems.
In total, twelve 2″ BoilerMagXT’s will be installed in different mechanical rooms by Teamworks Mechanical. The mechanical rooms contain two Lochinvar Shield water heaters and one Lochinvar FTXL firetube boiler with Taco pumps. The project scope is to decentralize the existing heating water plant and add new mechanical rooms to each individual building.
Taking Preventative Measures
Each boiler is connected to existing pipework and has two high-efficient pumps that use a wet rotor design, ultimately increasing the risk of magnetite build-up. To combat this problem, the owner of the apartment building complex saw the benefit of BoilerMag and wanted to protect the pumps and boilers from magnetite and from heating inefficiency. He did not want to proceed without installing BoilerMag on each system.
How it Works
BoilerMag uses patented magnetic technology to ensure that virtually 100% of magnetite and scale is removed on first pass through the filter. It is equipped with and automatic air vent for further corrosion protection.